Thursday 25 February 2010


Are any medical students needing to gain experience in siting a central line? I'm having a week where I really feel that having venous access to mainline coffee would be a quicker method of maintaining my habit than necking down endless espressos. Oh those naughty Arabica beans, how they tease me!


XE said...

Oh Shrink, way to make my day. I love that we can be caffeine pounding together.

I'm on my... 3rd? 4th? (Depends on portion sizes I suppose) cup of coffee today and considering more!

R said...

I have had my PEG for a year now. I can't describe how much more pleasant my mornings are now that I wake up with some coffee already on board...

The Girl said...

Teehee. Fantastic! :D

Coffee makes Fridays even better.

Perhaps we can organise some kind of coffee infusion pump so that we don't suffer the horrors of overnight caffeine withdrawal?