Thursday 2 September 2010

Junior Doctors

I've met with my junior doctor, dutifully undertaking an hour's supervision each week, assiduously documenting what we discuss.

What he wants out of supervision is, most meaningfully to him, being equipped to pass his exams. Without that, his career is thwarted and he can't progress his training to become a Consultant Psychiatrist.

What the Royal College wants out of supervision is unrealistic, with a full lever arch file failing to contain all that's meant to be covered, but in essence there's an expectation that all elements of the GMC's Good Medical Practice and all core generic medical competencies and old age psychiatry will be delivered. Most meaningfully to the RCPsych is progress of the curriculum (evidenced in doctor's portfolio and online workplace based assessments).

What the Trust wants is a safe practitioner doing appropriate work so, most meaningful to the Trust, is a supervised practitioner who's learnt and is fully aware and using in their practice the hundreds of Trust policies we have.

What the patients want of him isn't really factored in.

What I want is different and diverse and aspirational. In 3 or 4 years, my junior doctor is likely to be a Consultant Psychiatrist. What should such a junior doctor be mentored, informed or developed in, through ongoing weekly supervision?


Jobbing Doctor said...

It certainly is a tension between what everyone wants, expects and/or needs.

What I also want from a consultant psychiatrist is (a) someone with at least 6 years specialist experience and (b) someone who is not always off sick.

Milk and Two Sugars said...

Perspective. The single most valuable thing a mentor can offer is the ability to critically analyse one's progress through life, and an example of how they themselves live a full and varied one. If you can convince him/her to take some of that hour to focus on their overall development, you will have engendered skills that will last far past the exams coming in the next few years.

Secondarily, if you were my supervisor, I'd like to see enthusiasm. The process of undertaking training can sap one's love of one's job. Finding my supervisor every week still enjoying his job would be reassuring and reinvigorating, as I'd know I had similar to look forward to.

As to content, I'm sure it's the easiest aspect, what with that lever arch file ;)

Dr Grumble said...

For some of our junior doctors there is a tendency for the online bureaucracy to impede rather than facilitate good training which is very sad. There are too many boxes to tick and the software is a struggle. Boxes and online systems are favoured by those in charge because they produce lots of data which give the illusion of training. There is also a view that weaknesses can be rectified by a courses rather than by real experience as an apprentice.