Tuesday 21 October 2008

The tail wags the dog?

Having established that all those doctors are evil, wicked, tyrannical baby eating terrorists who drop gum, talk loudly in cinemas, fail to prevent earthquakes, park in disabled spaces, caused global warming and, through their salaries, have caused a global financial disaster and credit crunch, I set out to see just how ghastly these 'orrible medical folk are.

In November 2006 the BMJ published details of a MORI poll showing what 2000 random adults thought of different professions :
- 92 per cent of the public trust doctors to tell the truth. This is higher than the rating for any other professional group included in the poll.
- teachers 88 per cent
- professors 80 per cent
- judges 75 per cent
- clergymen/priests 75 per cent
- politicians and government ministers 20 per cent

"Doctors will be incredibly heartened to hear that they continue to earn their patients’ trust. These figures once again demonstrate the importance of the doctor-patient relationship and patients will find this trust of enormous value when they attempt to navigate the many changes affecting their health care."

Hats off to the BBC who reported this, but also reported the bottom of the poll which before today I'd not been aware of :
- Business leaders, 31% of the public trust the, they're actively not trusted by 56%
- Politicians Trust, 20% of the public trust the, they're actively not trusted by 72%
- Journalists Trust, 19% of the public trust the, they're actively not trusted by 72%


MORI do the poll every year and the BMA share results this year, which are good :
- Doctors, 90% of the public said they trusted them to tell the truth
- Teachers, 86% of the public said they trusted them to tell the truth
- Professors, 78% of the public said they trusted them to tell the truth
- Judges, 78% of the public said they trusted them to tell the truth
- Clergymen/priests, 73% of the public said they trusted them to tell the truth
- Politicians, 18% of the public said they trusted them to tell the truth

In 2003 MORI conducted a separate survey of politicians’ attitudes to doctors. It found that three quarters of MPs (74 per cent) believe doctors are patient-focused, as opposed to self-centred (18 per cent). Most MPs have a positive view of doctors working in the NHS. They see them as committed (92 per cent), hard-working (87 per cent), and vocationally driven (74 per cent). As well as believing they work effectively (82 per cent) the majority view doctors as helpful (83 per cent). Almost as many MPs as members of the public trust doctors to tell the truth (89 per cent compared to 92 per cent).


Right then. Doctors think they're concientious and have their patients' best interests at heart and know what's best for their patients. MPs agree. Lord Darzi and the DoH reckon we should have a "clinically driven" service. The public reckon politicians and business and journalists can't be trusted but doctors can.
Pretty clear to me who should be deciding how health care's implemented and delivered then, isn't it?


That's not my name! said...

75% trust the clergy eh?

Now that is scary reading!!!!! More so for those poor children (and children that have now grown up into damaged adults)who suffer/ed abuse at their hands.

And no I am not saying all clery are not to be trusted but I wouldn't leave my child in the hands of a priest. No way!

and, as a by line, where did the police come in this poll?

Anonymous said...

and, as a by line, where did the police come in this poll?

They were the ones that didn't believe anyone. Ever.

Jan said...

You forgot to mention that as well as dropping gum, doctors also talk very loudly during the pianissimo sections of string quartet concerts and moan like f**k about the fact that they hate 20th century composers even though they were aware that the concert featured 20th century composers when they bought the tickets and seem to think that the rest of the audience would be much happier listening to their opinions than to an evening of music. Or does this only happen in the town I live in?

Cat said...

Interesting stuff there!

Adiemus said...

So what did they say about health managers and trustworthiness?
And guess who actually runs the health service?

Feathers said...

Actually would trust a Doctor or the Police any day, however, knowing clergy, leaders of church, would not, too open to abuse, forms of control, they are many people left damaged/hurt by the churches.
There advice to people with mental health is often harmful.

Amazingly, the Police are very knowledgeable about mental health, able to speak with great insight.

[Was not until refusing treatment found this out].

Dragonfly said...

Nice to hear some positive press about doctors..