Thursday 30 October 2008


After a run of poor communication on my part 'pon various blogs, it's got me rattled.

T'interweb is a great resource but happen my banter on mental health matters, without explanation or context, is too easily misconstrued. Or maybe it's just that I'm better at talking things through rather than writing things down.

Happy to chatter through emails with folk who've got my address.

Anyways, time for a blogging break and a bit of reflective practice.

Safe roads, one and all!


madsadgirl said...

I, for one, will miss your insightful posts. Please don't stay away too long.

Dr Russell Brown said...

Yes, come back soon.

Disillusioned said...

I'll miss your posts. Hope you soon return.

Elaine said...

I do understand, but will really miss your thoughtful comments, not just on my blog, but on others,

Very best of wishes for the path you choose to follow.

Azulinebloo said...

Don't be gone too long!

Spirit of 1976 said...

Is this regarding the mini-argument you were involved with on Mental Nurse? To be honest, I thought the whole thing was a bit of a storm in a teacup and not really worth worrying about.

Don't stay away from blogging too long, and in the meantime you're still more than welcome among the Mental Nurse commentariat.

Dragonfly said...

I will miss your posts, I really enjoyed them.

Cat said...

Will definitely be missed. Take care.

Quacktitioner said...

Sorry, Shrink, you're a bit young for retiring! Feel free to pop round for a hob nob....

Dr Andrew Brown said...

I think that brief breaks from blogging are a good thing. Come back refreshed, in a short while please.

XE said...

Hi Shrink,
Do come back soon, won't you? I shall miss your perspective.

dutchdoctor said...

I was already wondering what a kind of superhuman being you are, working full-time, keeping a blog, and following other blogs. Hope to read you soon again.

Feathers said...

Not commented before, but read your blog, liked your insight very much, hope you come back soon.

The Secret Life of a Manic Depressive said...

Shall miss you.

Anonymous said...

Can I have your hob nob rations till you get back?

Milk and Two Sugars said...

Hmm I'm wondering whether the address I've got for you is still in use? If not, thank you for your deep involvement and the opinions you've broached on my blog, I've appreciated them greatly. I look forward to reading you when you return.

Socrates said...

It'll not be the same without you... ...

ditzydoctor said...

come back shrink, come back! :) i hope your email address is in use :(

Calavera said...

How did I miss this?! When on earth are you coming back? And are you still reading blogs or have you gone totally incommunicado? (Well, I know that you haven't because you still said that people can email you, so you must be alive in some way or the other online...) Come back soon... :(

The Secret Life of a Manic Depressive said...

We miss you!

Catherine said...

Okay, a month is a long enough break - get to it! It's not like you work or anything . . .


Hope things are going well for you =)

Socrates said...

We're still missing you.

The nurses have been arguing; the patients are getting upperty and thinking they know best...

Anonymous said...

it does annoy me when people don't read posts properly see things in contexts which don't exist. It will always happen though.... just think of your fans that take time to read your posts and not misinterpret them.

Intermezzo said...

i'm not a fan; i'm an obsessive groupy

Katie! said...

No one has begged for your return in awhile, so I'll take my turn.

Please come back! We miss you, your insight, and your thoughtful topics.

Hope things are well with you.

Little Feet said...

Please let us know you're OK! If you're out and about, I hope you've got your section 17 leave form with you ;-)

That's not my name! said...

What's bubbling around in the Lake?

The wicked witch of the west wants to know.

Hope the break is going well but am hoping you return in the not too distant future. I find your stuff interesting to read although am not savvy enough to get the more clinical speak.

Blogland is a place where everyone should be able to talk their own talk and in their own space.

Take care there

Anonymous said...

My Google reader has been lacking insight recently, it requires The Shrink to sort it out.
We miss your posts.

Lola x

Socrates said...

Almost two months now...

I must be suffering an adjustment disorder.

I just can't seem to move on...

Catherine said...

How about a last minute Christmas post?