Monday 29 December 2008


Christmas snuck up on me, this year.

I know, I know, it's still on December 25th this year so I could still have planned for it all in good time, but I didn't. Somehow it was upon me rather more swiftly than planned (erm, because it wasn't planned) so has all been a bit of a flurry. Ho hum. Or ho ho ho.

It's been healthy blogging for a year then taking some time out, but now I'm bored so it's time to start waffling on again, as is my wont. Thank you kindly for the comments and emails, which were surprisingly positive.

Just a brief aside. As folks will have gathered, I'm more than happy to be challenged on clinical opinions, indeed it's welcomed. What I think is a reasonable plan of action someone else may quibble with, the discourse that ensues is helpful and either helps me feel that my view is rational and sound, or that it isn't and helps me shift. When to give ECT, how long to be on an antidepressant for, what section 5 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 should be used for, at what age to formally diagnose personality disorder, when to use a Supervised Community Treatment order . . . I'm happy to have offered views and chew the cud 'til the cows come home. What unsettled me wasn't when what I was saying was being challenged, but how I said things was being challenged.

Tricky one, that.

It's something I'm not easily going to change. Also, even if I stopped just posting on whim, and thought through and edited stuff, no matter how assiduously I tried I'd still cause affront to someone, somewhere, some of the time. One author of another blog rightly pointed out that a goodly number of their readers are patients (so things need to be framed in a suitably benign and universal way, presumably because patients are too fragile to exist in the really real world) which gave me food for thought. It'd be wrong for me to be saying things on other sites that could be taken as unhelpful.

I'm not a politician. I'm often wrong. Thus, I've never aspired to be "politically correct."

Medical blogs and medical student blogs I frequent seem to be liberal minded and haven't had issue with how things are said, so it seems sound to largely confine myself to such waters. And what better place to start than my own icy waters of Lake Cocytus . . .

. . . time to start blogging again.


XE said...

Hurray you're back!! I'm so glad to hear from you, we've all missed you. :)

Happy Christmas Shrink, and all the best for 2009!

madsadgirl said...

So glad to see you back. I've missed your thoughtful and thought-provoking posts.

Polly said...

Yay! You are back! :)

XE said...

And now to actually comment on your post...

You can't please everyone all the time, and so long as you're making an honest attempt to not offend anyone, it's fine!

(*squeals* I'm just so happy you're back! I'm not sure it's healthy to be this attached to someone I barely even know... well, you're the mental health professional so I suppose you'd know better than me ;) Hee hee)

Anonymous said...

Brilliant to have you back with us again. Hope you have had a great Christmas and 2009 brings us lots of posts from you.

Lola x

Disillusioned said...

Good to see you posting again.

Sara said...

Glad you're back!

Cat said...

I was very pleased to see this show up in my feed today. Welcome back :)

Differently Sane said...

Yay - welcome back!


Maggie said...

Wow, only just found today that you have been updating again. I'm so glad to see you back - your posts are really interesting and thought provoking. :-) I look forward to may more!

Best wishes from Liverpool

Elaine said...

Welcome back.

I know that I posted that comment on a subsequent post, but that is the order in which the new posts are notified to me.

Seratonin said...

Yep good to see you blogging again.
Take care & looking forward to more posts from you.

Catherine said...

I skip checking your blog for one day and you decide to come back. Sheesh.

Glad you did decide to take it up again.

Unknown said...

I'm delighted to see you back! If it was my argument with you over on mentalnurse that upset you I'm really, really, really sorry. I guess I had a go as if you were a troll which I shouldn't have.

Or maybe this has nothing to do with me and I'm being paranoid :).

Anyway Happy new Year!!!

Anonymous said...

i think we all cause offence in one way or another to people.. people all have different buttons and sensitivities, its impossible to please everyone, and it takes out all the kick.

good to see you back.