Thursday 31 July 2008

Common Sense

I see a lot of people with dementia.

I've had a meeting with the local Area Prescribing Committee and our Primary Care Trust and GP representatives and our Trust's medicines management folk.

And would you believe it, everyone agreed on everything.

I can use donepezil, galantamine or rivastigmine for any patient I think would benefit (irrespective of NICE guidance or MMSE scores or specific diagnosis) and GPs will prescribe what I've initiated.

Why's life so easy, this week?!


XE said...


Dragonfly said...

Hooray!! Our friendly local geriatrician goes bananas when people try to use MMSE to diagnose dementia....he says it only shows the dementia of the doctors who use it :-)

Elaine said...

Perhaps you have earned the respect opf all those present. Note I say earned.

Anonymous said...

Definitely in denial.


Ms-Ellisa said...

At some point equilibrium must be maintained... that's why there are times when life is easy...

Anonymous said...

respect and understanding...that's what it comes down to

Calavera said...

...let's hope this continues... :)